The Quranic Concept of Admonition from Tadhkir bilathar-al-qadimah and Archaeology its Academic status in the criticism of Orientalism
‘Elm-al-Tadhkīr be-Ayyām illāh, Archology, geography, historical, Qur’anic Sites, Admonition, Tadhkīr bil-āthār-al-qadīmah, OrientalistAbstract
‘ilm-al-Tadhkir be-Ayyam illah is a sub kind of usul-al-tafsir (principles of exegesis). It is also known as ‘ilm-al-qa?a? which is also defined as a branch of history studies. The history and events of the prophets and their nations are mentioned in Quran. From this history, Quran invite us to gain admonition. Tadhk?r bil-?th?r-al-qad?mah is a sub branch of ‘elm-al-Tadhk?r by-Ayy?m ill?h. In Arab, many relics exists about the Quranic history, which shows the history and culture of ancient Arabs. Archeology is one of authenticating tool and source of history. Modern research archaeology encompassed and found many lost nations and their history as well as. Therefore, orientalists excavated the Quranic historical sites and discovered many relics for research. They compiled research on their discoveries and criticized the Quranic history. Orientalists like Dan Gibsan, Nickelson wrote famous books on Quranic history and geography in the light of archaeological researches. There is a great significance and academic status of archaeological research especially in modern renaissance of classical history. In the light of this subject, the archeology has great importance for the Quranic ancient’s history and the criticism of orientalist’s theories about the mentioned history. This paper discussed about the Quranic concept of admonition regarding archeology and its academic status in the criticism of the Oriental’s theories.